The ultra-frozen beef products made by a Company from Burgos, which in fact contained pork, fat, soy and other low quality additives; were never within the scope of the Halal certification of the company, extinct at the end of 2016 when the company could not meet the requirements demanded by the Institute.

Córdoba, May 24, 2017. Due to the scope and media repercussion of the «Catering» operation in which the company Eurofrits has been involved and which has led to the arrest of 14 people for alleged crimes of fraud and infringement of consumer rights. We have been informed that fraudulent products of bovine origin such as burgers, meatballs, etc. never obtained the Halal certification issued by the Institute as can be verified in the following document.

Churros, mozzarella fingers and jalapeño snacks were some of the products that were included in the certificate whose validity ended in December 2016, when the company failed to meet the requirements of the Halal Institute.

The Halal certification of the Institute is established as a reliable tool and, for that reason, its concession to industries and establishments is carried out according to a statutorily established scheme and a Halal standard of reference, under which the latter and Its products are subject to audits, monitoring and analysis, as well as other monitoring and control mechanisms that guarantee the quality of certified products.

To this we must add that the Halal certification granted by the Institute to companies is governed by a protected quality guarantee marking, whose use and application must undergo rigorous and constant evaluations, under the protection and protection of the Spanish Law of Patents and trademarks.